Find a Sleep Safe SC Designated Child Care Program

SCPITC launches South Carolina's second child care designation.

Sleep Safe SC is now live!

We at SCPITC are thrilled to announce that our newest child care designation – Sleep Safe SC! The SleepSafe SC Designation is focused on safe sleep practices, and will provide any child care program in the state with the certified training, onsite coaching, supplies, and materials needed to ensure that every baby in your care is protected from the risks of unsafe sleep. Programs that are awarded the designation will have a digital badge recognizing their commitment to safe sleep on the SCDSS Division of Early Care and Education and ABC Quality websites, prominent listings on the SCPITC website and Sleep Safe SC website. Designated programs will also be featured on our social media platforms as leaders in the state's early care and education system.

Know a child care program that would be interested in leading the state in pursuing the designation? Sleep Safe SC Designation Coordinator will follow up with more information and schedule the training.Tell them to learn more by emailing:

Five Commitments

Programs that are awarded the designation have made the following commitments:
  1. Attend the Sleep Safe SC training provided by SCPITC. All program staff who may care for infants must attend the training.
  2. Create a Safe Sleep policy that states the importance of using Safe Sleep practices, lists the ABCs of Safe Sleep, lists items that are prohibited in cribs, and includes a commitment to use the ABCs of Safe Sleep for every baby and every sleep. Share this commitment with all staff (include in staff handbook, in new staff orientation, etc.).
  3. Inform families about the importance of Safe Sleep with all enrolled and prospective families through various modes of communication (e.g., share information when parents first tour the program, include information in newsletter, display Sleep Safe SC posters in the infant rooms, provide prospective parents with Safe Sleep information, etc.). The Safe Sleep Policy must be included in the Family Handbook or other enrollment packet.
  4. Remove all restrictive equipment in which babies might sleep from the infant rooms (e.g., swings, bouncy seats, etc.).
  5. Continue learning and sharing updates with staff and families on new research and best practices for Safe Sleep. Share your plan for annual safe sleep training for all staff and how you will stay up to date on Safe Sleep best practices, including resources you will use.

Designated Programs

Programs that are awarded the designation receive:
"Circle of Friends is excited to pursue the Safe Sleep Designation, because Safe Sleep practices are so important for the well-being of our children.  SIDS may not be completely avoidable, but we as caregivers, will do everything in our power to avoid SIDS and give our children the safest, most nurturing environment and experiences possible!

Additionally, Safe Sleep Designation helps us as caregivers, to educate faculty and families about the importance and necessity of Safe Sleep practices. I believe this education piece will help families and staff understand what happens when we use the ABC's  of Safe Sleep. Our hope is that families will use Safe Sleep practices at home and educate others who may not be aware of Safe Sleep best practices."

- Kristina Mack at Circle of Friends

Interested in earning additional Designations for your child care program?

The SC Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care (BFCC) Designation recognizes early care and education programs that commit to actively supporting breastfeeding families and their employees who breastfeed.  Programs who are designated have made the following commitments:
  • Develop and follow written policies that support & promote breastfeeding
  • Provide a welcoming environment for breastfeeding families and employees
  • Provide breastfeeding support & education and make referrals to experts
  • Confirm professional development for all staff
  • Follow best practices for infant feeding
Apply for your BFF Designation
© 2025 Sleep Safe SC