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Never co-sleep with your baby.

Always lay your baby down on a flat, non-inclined surface that is certified as safe for sleep by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

Never use positioners unless your child has a diagnosed medical condition and you have been explicitly instructed by your child’s physician on using a positioner or other device.

Talk to your baby’s caregivers about the importance of Safe Sleep. Never instruct caregivers to put loose blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, or other items into the crib with your baby.

Use a sleeveless sleep sack in the correct size for your baby instead of a loose blanket.
Find a Sleep Safe Designated Child Care ProviderLearn more at the SC Department of Public Health


Q: My baby doesn’t sleep through the night. What do I do?

A: That’s normal! Most babies do not sleep through the night. They may wake up hungry, have a wet or dirty diaper, or startle themselves awake. While this is exhausting for parents, it’s developmentally appropriate for babies. Giving your baby plenty of supervised tummy time and stimulation during the day can help them sleep better. As they grow older, babies will begin sleeping for longer periods of time, but it’s typical for many babies to continue waking up at night throughout the first year of their lives.  Here are some tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics for Sleep-Deprived Parents: Safe Sleep Tips for Sleep-Deprived Parents
Q: I’ve heard that putting cereal or other things in a baby’s bottle will help them sleep better.

A: Putting anything other than breastmilk or formula in a baby’s bottle is a choking hazard. Research has also demonstrated that adding solids to a baby’s bottle increases the child’s risk of obesity and developing conditions like Type 2 Diabetes later in life. 

Q: My baby has reflux. Shouldn’t they be propped up to sleep?

A: Even babies with reflux should be laid flat on their backs to sleep. Grownups with reflux are told to prop up their mattresses, but babies’ bodies are very different than adults’. Babies’ heads are much larger in proportion to their bodies and their muscles are underdeveloped, so it is harder for babies to hold their heads up when they are at an incline (propped up). When propped up, babies’ heads can fall forward and compress their airways, leading to positional asphyxiation (suffocation).
 Here is some guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics about safe sleeping for babies with reflux.
Find more articles with helpful tips and information on safe sleep at home from the American Academy of Pediatrics here.

More Questions? Reach out here.

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